Friday, May 31, 2013

Ab Initio: from the beginning

Preface: There's a lot I don't understand about life and I figure that's what this blog is going to be about. Mostly I think it's going to be random. It will be whatever I want to post or write about. I feel like this first post should be about how much I don't get blogs.

I don't get blogs

Honestly, what's going on?

   In case the title was ambiguous, I don't understand blogs. I don't know how they work, why they work, and quite frankly if they work at all. I'm not quite sure of the overall point. Yes I understand the irony of posting this rant/discussion/thingy on a blog but who doesn't love irony? In general I do not read blogs unless an askew google search lands me on one with at least a moderately interesting title and it's passed 1am.
   I've started about 3 blogs and they failed so completely to capture and retain my interest I have not only forgotten their purpose I have completely unarchived their location. So one can only hope that this lastest attempt will be more, prolonged. 
   Why do people post blogs? Is it so honestly that others can read their thoughts and comment? Is it a online journal? Is it a time consumer/distraction from the abysmal hole that is their life? I am genuinely curious about this. I am well aware of the goals I have in mind for myself in writing this blog. Part of my renewed slight interest is due to John Watson from BBC's Sherlock constant posting a blog. It's the modern day equivalent of the John Watson of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle keeping a journal but in this case it causes Sherlock a dynamic increase in media and fame in general. This is obviously not my goal because I have no Sherlock. As much as I love to relate to John Watson in this instance I cannot. Side note CBS's Elementary is a good show but sadly not in the same sphere of amazing that is Sherlock. 
   Back to my point if there is one. I am writing this blog as kind of an experiment. I want to see the effect it has on my behavior and my thinking. I have noticed in the past when I write out what I am thinking it helps me organize and rationalize and in general understand what I am thinking better. 
   Resent example I had a rather, dynamically frustrating circumstance occur in my life. I shall refer to it in this blog as "All the Evil" in reference to the phrase used by Salander in The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo series. So when All the Evil happened I was not in a good state of mind. In fact I am wary to call it a state of mind at all, more like a phase of continued incoherence with moments of absurd clarity. When I finally rallied, thanks to God given friends, and began talking and writing out what I thought I gained astounding release from the understanding a gathered. I still do not understand the ultimate truth of everything that happened but I know enough and I gained this through talking with others and writing out my thoughts. 
   So in summary the experiment is to see if I can gain. retain greater clarity and understanding of my behavior and the behavior of others. So if for some reason it's past 3am where you are and you are seriously bored/tired/or demented enough to read this blog, all I can say is you have been warned and I hope you enjoy the ramblings.